Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sean is still looking for a job and as it is right now, it seems like he will take his mandatory 100 day break and go back to Microsoft at the end of June. In some ways, this is good for us because it's more likely that whatever company hires him will keep him, hopefully, for the next few years or longer at least.

In the mean time, he's met with a number of people who have made good connections for him. That's been encouraging. What's bad is that positions are frozen, disappear, and companies are on hold while they lay off people. Seattle was hit last by some of the economic issues and so we're not quite out of the woods in terms of how far down things will go.

I'm having a difficult time with Riley lately who seems to be bored with preschool and not making friends. He's getting into trouble a lot and the teacher has been exceptionally hard on him for small things. Her solution is holding him back while mine is pushing him ahead. Riley taught himself to read and loves learning to a point that it's a) draining to me and b) makes him seem like a nerd. She told me that Kindergarten teachers really don't like it when the kids learn how to read before kindergarten because they just memorize words. She stressed that they don't like it at all. Oh, so shall I unteach him to read? Or take away his books? Or stop him from sounding our words like million, billion, thousand, captain, public, and every street sign and list of rules we pass? If I want him to obey, all I need to do now is stand him in front of the rules and he'll read them himself. At the park recently he talks to adults and sometimes kids, but kids don't seem to be on his wavelength. So, holding him back to go to school with the currently 3 yr olds seems like a great way to encourage him in his interest for learning.

The teacher's response was "pray, pray pray!" That's fantastic! I also think that it's important to associate the God given ability to think through our decisions. For example, the first step is to have him tested by the Lake Washington School District for early entrance which he has a 10% chance of passing. I"ll go with what they say. If he fails, I'm not putting him through another year of preschool when he already is advanced passed the class he is apparently a year younger than. Instead, it would seem we're headed for home schooling which I do not want to do. On the other hand, I'm learning that Christian Schools are one fund raiser after another with little interest in advanced children and public school is...well...public school. Thankfully, we DO live in a very, very good district and good neighborhood. His class would be a good opportunity to make friends in this area which we have not.

By the middle of the year, we're planning to move to Northshore School District which is the best school district in the area. I don't anticipate moving to Issaquah or Redmond Ridge, but I suppose it's possible.

I'm just frustrated with and for Riley. I'm frustrated about the job situation, but it will work itself out.

I've been studying for the LSAT. I was doing great until I found out is also considered an IQ test and there's no way of really studying for it. With the pressure on, I started missing more questions. It seems that my IQ is high and I've always thought the LSAT would be a breeze if I don't clam up. You really only have one shot at it and I have to decide today if I'm taking it in June or on my birthday in September. That's it though. May seems so quick, but it would be good to have it over with and September seems too far away. If I do mediocre on it, I'll end up at Seattle U if I get accepted and if I do well on it I might have a shot at the UW which seems a lofty goal. Sean encouraged me to try even if I fail because he'd rather I try than not try at all. I suppose he's right, but I don't want to have "failed at getting into law school" on my list of accomplishments. I feel like backing down all together.

The other option we would have is to wait another year until Sean finishes school and move to a place where getting into law school with a lower LSAT is a possibility, but I would be disappointed in my IQ if I make a lower score. Even on the practice test, it shows I'm close to a 132 and I always tested closer to a 139. That's first shot on the practice test just opening the book. Maybe that's not bad. It means I would make close to a 159-165 on the LSAT if I don't panic. I need a 159 to even consider the U.

Obama made a 171 on the LSAT which is equivalent to a 148 IQ.

While I'm worried about hypothetical scores, I have not completed my expense report or sent out my newsletter for May. I guess I should go and get something accomplished.


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