Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's a New Year!

I can't say I've started out the New Year with any outrageous expectations. I had those for last year. While it wasn't everything I expected, I can say last year turned out to be, well, not so bad. Sean and I are still happily married after 6.5 years.

Riley likes to argue semantics, but otherwise is a happy go lucky cheerleader for all of us.

Reagan is a pistol who quickly mastered the English language and uses it well. She's a communicator intent on getting her point across. She loves accessories and chocolate and frequently asks to visit her best friends. If I'm not careful, I can find her calling anyone on my cell phone as quickly as she can get her hands on it.
Aside from their constant fighting, deep down I know it's how these two say they love each other. She wants everything he has and he's just watching out for her. Sigh.
We spent New Year's weekend enjoying Seattle's sunny and chilly weather at Carkeek Park and Deception Pass. We're looking forward to a year we haven't lived before and we anticipate a great year ahead! Happy 2010!


Sue January 2, 2010 at 9:35 PM  

LOVE the pics. What a great looking family!!

tumbleweedgirl January 3, 2010 at 10:47 AM  

wow. i miss being outside! glad you had some fun (:

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