Monday, August 3, 2009

Riley's Baby...Sister

Two years ago today we picked up this little bundle from a nearby hospital...

and we named her Reagan Abigail. Riley gladly settled for her over the frog or the baby alligator he originally asked for. As a compromise, he still called her Reagan Alligator for 6 months.

For two years, we have adequately convinced Riley that if he doesn't get along with Reagan we'll take her back to the hospital. If he does get along with her, she will make him cookies when he goes to college. I also told him I would do his laundry when he came home and he quickly told me, "No mom. I'll do my own laundry." We'll see if we all live up to our agreements in this bargain.

Reagan went through a phase where her "lovie" was her snowsuit.

That phase happened to last a solid year. She had two outfits: snowsuit and snowsuit. The hood with the faux fur had to be on and if we washed both at the same time Reagan would scream for the entire wash and dry cycle.

Thankfully, we moved on to dresses, fairy wings, tutus, dinosaurs, and shoes, shoes, shoes.

Her new "lovie" is lambie. I heard Riley yelling for me from their bedroom tonight. I went to see what was going on and I found Reagan gleefully glaring down at Lambie on the floor. Riley was standing on the bed and crying over a moth that was loose in the room. Sure enough, Reagan had taken her Lambie, tossed it across the room and hit the moth.

After Riley viewed the dead moth carcass as proof, he looked up at Reagan and said, "Good job baby."

I'm glad Riley has his baby sister and that they get along so well. She's the best gift he's ever gotten...

Happy Birthday Reagan!


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