April was a busy month for us. First Sean's cousin Matt came to visit. We celebrated Easter with friends, dyed Easter eggs, and even made it to the Bunny Bounce at the zoo.
We went to the tulip festival and tried to get pictures with everyone smiling.

A friend of mine came from Germany for a week which turned into longer when air travel was halted throughout most of Western Europe because of the volcano. While she was here, we looked for sandcrabs and flew kites at Camano Island. We also went to the Tulip Festival again!

We celebrated Riley's teacher's new baby with a party at school! I even made butterfly cookies.

Sean is still in school working on his MBA. I'd say we've figured out it's really a waste of time and not worth anything, but it's been a growing experience for all of us to have him working full time and in school full time.
We hosted an au pair from Brazil for two weeks which the kids always enjoy. I'm so glad it's almost May and can hardly believe it's almost the end of Riley's 1st year in full time school! We're all looking forward to longer, sunnier days ahead!
I can hardly believe it's almost MAY ! Most of 2010 is gone...how did that happen?
You got some great pics...tulips have always been a favorite of mine. This is my first spring NOT to see a tulip. sigh. However, this is my first yr to be at the beach in Feb, March & April.
You want warmer temps...come see us : )
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