Monday, July 13, 2009


We've had a few beach front play dates in the last few weeks. Houghton, Meydenbauer, Newcastle, and Idylwood are some of our favorite spots to visit in the summer.

The 4th of July we went to the Bothell Downtown Parade. We had friends over for a backyard BBQ and our friends' teenage boys were more than glad to shoot off fireworks in unincorporated King County. I should have let Reagan bond with the turtle bombs before we blew them up, but otherwise it was a great time for all.

A few weeks ago, we discovered a Splash Pad at the park that hosted the Bellevue Strawberry Festival. We brought home enough Strawberries to last us weeks! We stopped by Auntie Margo's to drop off a few pints of them and ended up heading for dinner at the Downtown Seattle Spaghetti Factory.

We went on Ride the Ducks this afternoon. It was my first time taking King County Transit and considering we made it there and back, I would call it successful. It's not terribly comprehensive for beginners. Alas, we made our connections and I didn't pay for parking!

Yesterday was Redmond Derby Days and AuPairCare sponsored a booth. I stood in the sun for most of the day passing out brochures to over 500 people. Reagan learned how to drive.
I went on Ride the Ducks today! It was cold and cloudy, but we were lucky the thunderstorm we so rarely have in Seattle didn't start until after 5pm!

Riley went to see Mr J in action at his week long concert program for kids. It's hard to imagine Sean used to do that 47 weeks out of the year! Riley had a fantastic time and the kids have been singing non stop ever since! Reagan is especially cute since she knows the tunes and the sounds of the words, but not the words. She does the motions to the songs too! She's a mini-me with 15 times the energy!

Summer is going by quickly. I have to admit, it hard to remember it's summer when it's 55 and raining outside!
The best news this past week was that Riley passed the Kindergarten Early Entrance Test! He was so excited when he read the letter to us saying he could go to Kindergarten this fall!


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