Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blue Diamond and Lotus

We went to the Kirkland Farmer's Market this afternoon. It was so much more than I expected. We walked into a shop we've always passed in the evenings when it was closed. The lady who ran the store was delightful. She gave Reagan a ribbon halo with pink tulle that matches her new fairy outfit. It was so thoughtful. She told us she has two grown sons and was a very lovely British lady. It's interesting because in those few moments we were there, I most certainly wanted to come back and find reasons to spend money in her shop. Most likely I'll visit there in the future to find baby gifts.

The market has moved to the Marina when it was formerly on a side street. It made it a lovely experience walking around the pavilion by Lake Washington. I admire grassroots efforts to build business and especially family businesses that are entrenched in community. We came home with Almond Shea Butter Soap. Riley helped me pick out his favorite scent and promptly went home and took a bath with it.

We also picked up raspberries, donut peaches, nectarines, peaches, blueberries, pears, cherries, and unshucked sweet corn on the cob.

I was enticed by the Lime Riesling Chimichuri rub and the Pineapple Chutney. I stopped to talk to the guy who had an Indian booth. It turns out he's from Hyderabad. He mentioned the chutney wouldn't be spicy enough for me. I said, "no, when I said all we ate there was chapatis, I really meant it!" We had some...I hope it was chicken...almost every evening and a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Actually, I ate Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches every day for three summers. It usually was on beat up brick bread that chunks of chalk textured chunks in it for some reason, but I'll save culinary review for later.

We started chatting about Hyderabad and how it's changed. I told him we stayed at the abids and went to Palace Heights and Blue Diamond. He lit up when I mentioned Blue Diamond. He turns to his friend and says, "Remember, I told you about that place! It was the best Chinese, Fijian food I've ever had." So we laughed over it being a hole in the wall restaurant in a big city in India and how awesome it was. He said he could almost cry he couldn't believe he met someone who knew that place!

Then he goes on to tell me the owner or Blue Diamond opened Lotus in Vancouver, BC. Suddenly India felt like the next neighborhood over and I was mentally checking our calendar this weekend to see if we have time to go to Canada! Vancouver?! So close and it's the same owner of the notorious Blue Diamond? My husband's favorite food is Chinese and I've told him over and over nothing has ever compared to that place. I wonder if Lotus is just as great?!
I bought the Pineapple Chutney and a buttered chicken curry sauce and wandered down to the waterfont so the kids could throw rocks in the lake before we came home. It's amazing to me how throwing rocks can entertain them for so long.
It's been a busy week for us. We went to a birthday pool party on the lake for a little friend of Riley's that we met when she was just five days old. She's a few months older than Riley and they've been in various programs together. It's hard to imagine she's five and Riley's so close to five!
While I look ahead to that, I've almost completely missed Reagan's birthday which is coming up on the 3rd of August. I haven't planned anything for her yet, but I have intentions of having a great party.
Sean had a very successful interview this week and a pending offer. We should know something by tomorrow or Monday.
Yesterday was blazing hot, but today started out cool. I love the sun breaks here and have really loved the hot days we've had. We've been out every day making the most of it!


Nikki B. July 23, 2009 at 7:10 AM  

i think i'm following all of your blogs...well, hopefully it's all of them, how many are you maintaining???? i never know where to comment!!! i've commented on all of them, too!

help me out...which way do i go??

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