Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

Seattle is known for its moderate climate. It's easy to fall in love with the Northwest on days like today. Our high was 75. This morning started cool and cloudy and we headed off for our weekly park date at Crestwoods Park in Kirkland. I heard someone mention a turtle park. I'm determined to find out what and where that is.

Last night I tried to capture Reagan singing all the way through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. If I whispered, she whispered and if I held up the camera she'd stop singing and say "Cheeese!" The effort was futile. She can hardly talk and she sings entire songs.

I heard Riley refer to her today as "Baby." He still calls her that instead of Reagan. "Our baby is running away!" "Here Baby, I'll push you down the slide." He's a good big brother!

Our kids are bathed and my four year old is reading a bedtime story to my one year old.

Sean and I are headed out for a date night at the Overlake Service League's Summer Movies at the Park! They are showing Bride Wars at Bellevue City Park tonight. We just got back from a four mile run with the kids and we're looking forward to evening out!


Musings of the Mrs. July 15, 2009 at 2:57 PM  

I love Seattle when its sunny. I've been three times and I have been lucky enough to have perfect weather every time. Such a beautiful city!

Nikki B. July 15, 2009 at 5:52 PM  

wow...that crew over at that blog you've commented on recently are a rough crowd!!!!!

i was so wishing i'd see you over at the blog frog...on the "praying for the unsaved" thread at mck's place. i thought about consulting you a few times for a few history questions!!!

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